After the whole year of doing CAS activities, during my CAS interview, I was able to look back on them and think about what I achieved and what more I could do.
So in my first ever reflection, I wrote out the goals for myself to achieve in each part of the CAS, and to be honest, I was really not sure if I would be able to actually complete them in the end, but it turns out I ACHIEVED THEM ALL.
A photo of my CAS activity
I'm very delighted with my achievement and my actions moving towards them, which is why I would say that the activities I completed and wrote about in my blog efficiently allowed me to move towards my goals.
So during the interview, I was asked a few questions about the learning outcomes and my overall activities, which allowed me to also take a look at what the activities I did taught me, how they developed my weaknesses, made my strengths even better, and gave me the chance to help my community.
That's why, for the next year, the only thing I might change is the variety of creativity activities. As an artsy person, I would maybe like to explore other possibilities.